MiSTer Jamma Expander

(7 customer reviews)

kr 2,300.00

The JAMMA Expander rev 2 expands the DE10-Nano (MiSTer) with JAMMA connectivity.  The first integrated JAMMA solution for MiSTer, and the only that gives you

  • 24 bit color, the maximum the MiSTer has to offer
  • Option for two SDRAM modules, as the Expander doesn’t use any GPIO ports
  • CRT protection with SyncGuard (misconfiguration of the MiSTer will not damage your monitor)
  • “User Lock”, flip a physical switch and users will not be able to modify your setup – perfect for parents and operators with cabinets on location
  • Both MAME keyboard and gamepad modes for maximum flexibility
  • Voltmeter, input diagnostics and settings via onboard OLED display

Rev 2.0 features a 4 Port USB Hub, better looking cables and a smaller PCB.

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Extensive product details here, Jamma Expander