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COVID-19/Coronavirus Update

This is a post about availability of the Jammafier and the JVS-PAC 2, but not one I expected to write.

Because of the tragic virus outbreak in China, both JVS-PAC 2 and Jammafier production is delayed.  As the situation is still unfolding and far from over, speculation on my part is moot.  One could easily get the impression from the news that it would be back to business as usual after the extended holiday ended 10th of February – this is not the case.  Latest update I have from the assembly house I use is that they hope to get to business around February 25th.

In addition to PCB manufacture and assembly, the OLED screens and the protective acrylics I use is also sourced from China.

My thoughts go out to the people affected by this virus, which is not me and most likely not you.