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2024 Update – I’m still here, tested JAMMA Expanders inbound.

Wow, a year and a half since the last update – I’m going to try to make updates a bit more frequent.

Since the last update, there has been a bit of work done on the firmware side of things, please check for updates on the Jammafier, JAMMA Expander and the JVS Expander.

I hope to get at least an initial update out for the JVS-PAC 2 with the new USB framework, and then possibly get analog sorted, it for sure is long overdue..

In the FPGA gaming world, there has been A LOT of talk, and not much action – not unlike JVS-PAC 2 firmware updates 🙂 As of this writing, the MiSTer is likely still the only viable option you can purchase – and I think it will remain like that for quite some time. Who knows when any alternatives will be available or how they will actually turn out. I’m not holding my breath..

There is talk about DE10 clones though, and these look promising. AFAIK they are not released yet, but promise significantly lower cost than getting the original. I may try to get hold of these to check for compatibility with the Expanders – on paper there should not be any issues, apart from possibly a different USB cable between expander and the DE10-clone.

I closed the store for summer, and it will reopen the first week of August.  I have a batch of JAMMA Expanders incoming, that should be available shortly.  It is a limited batch, so you may consider signing up for a notification.